
Status and Basic Rights of Women According to Quran and Sunnah

07 August 2021

Allah (SWT) created men and women independently of each other. Gender parity and women's rights are protected by Islam in all aspects of their lives. Islam guarantees equality with men and women, and that there is no discrimination among them. There is no distinction between them in terms of their connection to Allah, as both are guaranteed the same reward for good behavior and the same penalty for wicked behavior. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

Status of Women in Islam

Women's rights and duties are equal to men's, but they are not always identical. This disparity is comprehensible since men and women vary physiologically and psychologically. With this contrast in mind, a Muslim cannot believe that women are inferior to males. Islam grants all rights of living to women and give them a social status as a mother, wives, sisters, daughters, etc. Here are some of the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of women in Islam.

The Spiritual Perspective

In the Glorious Qur'an, as well as in the history of the Muslims, women are seen as equally important to existence as males. There was a time when women were treated as sexual objects and people were not considering them as humans. They got murdered as soon as they enter the world. The world was so cruel for women and their existence become a question mark. Then Islam proclaimed, Women have separate statuses in the Islamic culture. She is a spiritual and moral entity in her own rights and is responsible for her own actions.

The Social Perspective

Women have the same right to an education as males. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) proclaimed over fourteen centuries ago that the pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on all Muslims, male and female. This pronouncement was unequivocal and was widely followed by Muslims across history. Islam increased the status of women in society and placed them on an equal basis, and in some instances, such as a mother, plainly gave them priority over males. In a Hadith it is clearly Narrated by Abu Huraira:

On another occasion, it was narrated from Mu’awiyyah bin Jahimah As-Sulami, that Jahimah came to the Prophet (?) and said:

Women possess the right to fair and impartial conduct from their parents as daughters. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent the good news to those who did not disrespect their daughters or prefer sons to daughters. To be legitimate, a woman's permission is required before the acceptance or rejection of marriage offers. Mutual harmony, love, and compassion are the foundations of a marriage. Within the context of discussion and compassion, the husband is accountable for the family's upkeep, safety, and general leadership. The reciprocity and compatibility of husband and wife do not imply ‘subservience' by one partner to the other. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) used to help his wives in domestic chores, despite his enormous duties and communal concerns.

Both men and women bear the responsibility of upholding moral and social norms. All actions and gestures that may arouse the ire of anyone aside from their lawful wives or cast doubt on their moral character must be avoided. Women, the same as men, have the right to free speech. Women had an important role in early Muslim society, particularly in times of emergency. According to the Qur'an and historical perspective, women not just openly voiced their concerns, but also debated and engaged in serious conversations with the Prophet (S.A.W) and other religious leaders. They were not imprisoned behind stone walls or regarded as insignificant.

The Economical Perspective

Women have the same rights under Islam to contract, invest, earn and acquire autonomously. A woman's life, property, and dignity are just as sacrosanct as a man's. If a woman commits any offense, her punishment is equal to that of a man in a similar situation. If she is mistreated or humiliated, she will get the same restitution as a man in her situation.

According to Islam, women are granted a specific share of the inheritance. The women in pre-Islamic times were not only deprived of this share but were also treated as property that should be passed down to men. Islam provides women of its basic rights and status to live in the society, whether the woman is a wife or mother, a sister or a daughter, she is entitled to a percentage of the departed kin's possessions, the amount of which is determined by her degree of kinship to the deceased and the number of heirs. Nobody can strip away or emancipate her from this share. Even if the dead desires to deprive her by writing a will to other relatives or in favor of another cause, the legislation will not permit him to do so. Women are free from any financial obligations. The spouse is obligated to provide her with an entire supply and comprehensive care. Women are not required to work or split household expenditures with her spouse. They are free to keep anything she had before marriage, and the husband has no claim to any of her possessions. As she is the daughter or sister of her father or brother, she is entitled to protection and support. If she chooses to work or be self-sufficient and engage in household obligations, she is allowed to do so as long as her integrity and honor are protected.

In Essence,

It is evident from the above-mentioned aspects that women enjoy a very high position in Islam. Islam has bestowed upon them rights that are perfectly aligned with their responsibilities. What Islam has created for women is that which complements their personality provides them with complete security and shields them from humiliating conditions and unclear paths of life. Here is a Quranic verse that clears the right and status of women in Islam. Moreover, there is also a complete Surah on women in Quran named Surah Al-Nisa. Islam has given women their due rights and status according to different situations of life. Men are allowed to lower their gaze whenever they see a woman and similarly women are required to wear clothes as per Islamic code. Women are free to live their lives according to their choices following the teaching of Islam.

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Muslims Holy Travel
07 August 2021
Status and Basic Rights of Women According to Quran and Sunnah

Allah (SWT) created men and women independently of each other. Gender parity and women's rights are protected by Islam in all aspects of their lives. Islam guarantees equality with men and women, and that there is no discrimination among them. There is no distinction between them in terms of their connection to Allah, as both are guaranteed the same reward for good behavior and the same penalty for wicked behavior. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: Status of Wome...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel