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Umrah has a special act in Islam that is a short form of Hajj. Umrah is basically easier to perform as compared to Hajj. The main reason is that Umrah can be performed anytime throughout the year except for the month of Dhul Hajj. While Hajj is compulsory to perform in the month of Dhul Hajj and requires some additional rituals as compared to Umrah. Umrah delivers different opportunities for Muslims to strengthen their faith and to gain some spiritual connection with Allah Almighty. Muslims c...Read More
“When one door closes, another opens.” That’s a beautiful reality of life that every person faces at least once or more than once in their lifetimes. Being a Muslim we have strong faith in the oneness of Allah, there's no supreme power other than His and we believe He protects us all and helps us in dire situations. People often wonder, how would they know that they are in good books of Almighty? It&r...Read More
Hajj Is the most prestigious pilgrimage which is performed in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the Holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Mecca for Muslims has a very important position for their faith and worship towards Allah. Allah is the demonstration of Muslims that they have to submit themselves for Allah. This is chance of getting the blessings and this is not only the journey to Allah’s house physically but also the submission of past present and future in the path of I...Read More
The Four Caliphs were the very first four Islamic leaders who followed the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). They are frequently referred to as “Rashidun” which means "Rightly Guided" Caliphs since they all learned Islam straight from Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). During the formative years of Islam, they were also Muhammad's (P.B.U.H) greatest companions and practitioners. A caliphate, or “Khilafa” in Arabic, is a state controlled by an Islamic monarch iden...Read More
Everyone wants to achieve success and it is the utmost priority of all but a Muslim desires success not just in this world but also in Afterlife. Success is determined by our attitude toward life and how we respond to different scenarios especially our habits. People usually think that aiming for achievement in Duniya may jeopardize their achievement in Akhira. Rather than being afraid of it, confront it and tackle it effectively. We only get one life so we should make the most out of it and ...Read More
The Creator of the universe is Allah Almighty. One of Allah's greatest attributes is that He is the Provider, Sustainer, and Giver of all. Only He can provide rizq to His creatures. From plants, animals, ghosts, to human beings only He has the supreme authority to give. The rizq of both Muslims and non-Muslims is His responsibility. Rizq is much more than simply food. It has a profound significance. It alludes to all of it that provides happiness and satisfaction. It comprises worldly pro...Read More
Eid-ul-Adha is also known as “the greatest Eid”. The day of Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated on the 10th of Dhu-al-Hijjah. In the Islamic religion, Muslims tend to celebrate two festivals of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. The latter represents Hazrat Ibrahim's (A.S) determination to sacrifice His son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) in devotion to Almighty Allah. Since Eid means “to celebrate” and Adha means “to sacrifice”, Eid-ul...Read More
Performing Hajj once at a specific time of the year is an obligation for those who are able to execute it. The process of Hajj is quite long and hectic as well. It involves a number of different steps to follow in a sequence. Any mistake in the performance of Hajj can invalidate your Hajj. That’s why Muslims are required to take special care of all their rituals and execute them with care and consideration. The Hajj commences with its intention and wearing Ihram in a proper manner. Upon...Read More
Yearly, Muslims of every ethnicity, race, social class, and culture congregate in Mecca to worship Allah (SWT) collectively in front of the Kaaba. It is a ritual intended to strengthen the ties of Muslim brotherhood and sisterhood by demonstrating that everyone is equal in Allah's (SWT) eyes. By removing all indicators of social rank, money, and pride, the Hajj allows Muslims to realize the true value of life on earth as well as in the hereafter. During the Hajj, everyone is treated equal...Read More
It is also known as the “Mount of Mercy” or “Jabal Arafat”. Visiting this site is amongst one of the rites and main pillars of Hajj. This mount is located 20 kilometers east of Mecca. Pilgrims stand there on the 9th of Zil Hajj as standing there is the most significant element of Hajj as it was directed by our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Arafat is situated beyond the boundaries of Haram (Sanctuary site), with a maximum size of 10.4 km2. Irnah Valley is ...Read More