
Islamic Ways of Protection Against Corona Outbreak

28 February 2020

Nowadays, the life-threatening Corona Virus is spreading like a wildfire from China to the other parts of the World. These days the researchers and the health professionals around the world have become increasingly concerned with the treatment, cure and precautionary measures against this alarming viral outbreak. Likewise, for the Saudi Health Ministry, the health-related issues are the matters of inevitable concern. Because the Saudi Govt. bears a strict responsibility of pilgrimage arrangements on its shoulders. This Kingdom is the heartland of Islam. It is the proud possessor of a Muslim worshipping place called Kaaba in Mecca. The Saudi airport authorities and Health Ministry keep a strict eye on the pilgrims who enter this holiest land to perform their two religious rituals which are known as Hajj and Umrah respectively.

Challenges of the Saudi Health Ministry

The life-threatening outbreaks like Corona Virus, Swine flu, Avian (bird) flu, and Severe Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are really challenging for the Arabian Health Ministry. Whenever they suspect or detect any infected pilgrim, they suspend his/her entry to the Kingdom. This Islamic Kingdom has also restricted pilgrims from different regions due to diseases, such as during the Ebola outbreak in 2014. Last Year the Swine flu outbreak also disturbed the Arabian religious leaders very much.

Coronavirus Panic- the Biggest Challenge in Arabia

Today, the Corona Outbreak has become the biggest concern in Saudi Arabia. The Arabian nation is speeding up the awareness programs and measures to protect themselves from this acute viral panic. Luckily no case of Corona is reported in Saudi Arabia. However, the personal care and the precautionary measures from these viral epidemics are in our own hands. If you are willing to fulfill your religious duty of Hajj 2024-24 or intend to perform Umrah, simply follow the Islamic way of life.

Viral Epidemics and Islam

Fortunately, the scientific studies confirm that the Islamic ways of protection can safeguard us against the threatening viral epidemics like Corona, SARS, and Influenza. 

Before moving to Islamic safety measures, it is important for us to know what Corona is and why it is spreading.

What is Corona Virus

This virus is also called Novel Corona Virus. This virus outbreak has been started from the Chinese city of Wuhan and infected hundreds of Chinese there. It is said that this deadly epidemic was initially caught from the Seafood Market that sold live animals in Wuhan. It is a contagious disease that is transmitting from person to person. The Chinese Health Commission claimed about 90,000 Chinese affected by this deadly virus. The dead troll of Corona infected people is also increasing day by day. From China, this deadly Virus has been proliferated in other parts of the world as well. It is said that this virus has been caused by the increased consumption of animals after their brutal way of killing. These are those harmful and wild animals that are mainly prohibited or Haram in Islam.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

It is an immensely acute form of pneumonia. The infected people suffer from normal fever, coughs and breathing issues which become serious and extremely chronic.  In serious Corona cases, these problems cause organ failure which ultimately leads to death.

As it is a viral phenomenon, antibiotics and painkillers become useless. Because the viral diseases went away on their own and no medicine works for it. The only preventive thing is to precautionary measures of personal hygiene.

Islamic Faith -A Key to Corona Virus Protection

Islam is not only a religion. It is a holistic way of life. It takes into account the spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing of mankind living in this entire Universe. Therefore, the smart and regular practice of Islamic faith and principles would definitely guard your body against catching this virus.

Islamic Way of Controlling Illness

Furthermore, if an infected State follows the Islamic way of controlling illness., the disease would not proliferate outside of its premises.

Isolation and Quarantine

It is the wisest Islamic opinion to control the epidemic illnesses within a region.  These Islamic strategies are implemented by the Infected states today. Even the Chinese Govt. advocates this beneficiary practice. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has directed the inhabitants of an infected State to stay within their homes and not to travel outside of it. Nevertheless, if they get any illness during travel, they must stop their journeys or turn back to their homes.

He (SAW) has also directed us not to en route and enter into an already infected State.  

The medical name of this isolation is called Quarantine. It is the name of restriction in the transport of people and animals from the infected areas. This scientific principle is exactly in accordance with the Prophet's (SAW)’s teachings in Islam.

The science also says that physically healthy people can remain free from the visible disease symptoms but they can be carriers of that disease viruses. These carrier people can transfer their disease germs to the other territories. So the quarantine principle of Islam has become a global system to restrict the infected city residents from leaving and entering into other States.

Islamic Hygienic Principles- A Shield Against Corona Virus

More than 1400 years ago, the Islamic hygienic principles taught by the Muslim Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) are still applicable today. And the science gives an inevitable confirmation to these principles.

Ablution (Wudu)-A Powerful Shield Against the Corona Virus

According to the global health experts, the washing of hands, mouth, face, and nose frequently for 20 Secs a day can save our bodies from certain viral intakes. So this is what a Muslim does five times a day in his life. This five-time religious practice is called Ablution or Wudu in Islam. It is the practice of washing our hands, mouth, face, arms, neck, and feet that we do before the prayer (Salah) or other worship acts.

Islamic Dua for Coronavirus Prevention

As a God Fearing Muslim, we believe that each and everything revolves around Allah (SWT)’s orders. He is all and ever-Present. Everything good or bad enters and leaves with his only will. A dua or supplication is an ultimate and inevitable component of a Man’s faith. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also taught us the powerful duas to seek Allah’s Will and Mercy against the hit of every sort of illness and deadly epidemics.

The most authentic, easiest, short and complete Dua the Prophet (SAW) taught us to recite is the following.

“Allahumma Inni ‘A`audhu Bika Min Al-Baras wal-Junoon wal-Juzam, wa-min sayyi il-Asqaam”. (Reported by Abu Dawood through an authentic chain)

Oh, Allah, I seek refuge in You from Albinism, madness, and leprosy, and from the bad diseases.

Islamic Preventive Measures for Corona Virus

Following are the easiest and most effective Islamic preventive measures against the Corona and every other epidemic disease

  • Go for Ablution and try to remain in wudu in most part of the day.
  • Keep yourself neat and clean.
  • Don’t touch the infected person. Avoid going near to him/her
  • Don’t travel to an infected area.
  • Recite Dua of Protection and seek Allah ( SWT)’s mercy.
Muslims Holy Travel
11 October 2021
Do Exercise, Consume Healthy Food, And Stay Fit

Health is everything. If a person is healthy and fit, he can deal with anything. On the other hand, if a person is unhealthy, he will always feel inactive and won’t be capable of doing anything. That’s why the most well-known saying is “Health is Wealth”. No doubt, being healthy is a great blessing from our Lord. One should always pray for healthy living because an unhealthy person cannot do much in life. In order to stay healthy and active, people should alw...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
28 February 2020
Islamic Ways of Protection Against Corona Outbreak

Nowadays, the life-threatening Corona Virus is spreading like a wildfire from China to the other parts of the World. These days the researchers and the health professionals around the world have become increasingly concerned with the treatment, cure and precautionary measures against this alarming viral outbreak. Likewise, for the Saudi Health Ministry, the health-related issues are the matters of inevitable concern. Because the Saudi Govt. bears a strict responsibility of pilgrimag...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
29 June 2020
Saddening Corona Crisis and its Impacts on Islamic Rituals

The two pilgrimages hold immense reverence and significance for the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia.  Millions of the God-chosen Muslim devotees flock to the sacred twin cities of Makkah and Madinah to perform their planned rituals of Hajj and Umrah. These pilgrimages are also a great source of income for the State. Significance of Hajj and Umrah for the Islamic World Hajj an...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
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Some Unbelievable Benefits of Zamzam Water?

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